Sunday 9 August 2020

The Mysterious Tornado (Story by a 7 year old)


Once upon time there were two twin sisters Plessy and Lessy. They were born on August 20th 2028. They went to Free Fall Friz School. Then they went to Pack-n-Go for Kindergarten and all the grades. One day, when they were reading in the school library - they found some kittens in a library book box. The kittens made alot of mess in the library. Before the teacher came they caught all the kittens and hid them. The kittens were cute and they loved them alot. The kittens could do TRICKS. It was fantastic.

The girls thought kittens were awesome. They wanted to take the kittens to the circus because they were really good at doing tricks. But they did not know that the kittens were actually MONSTERS. When the kittens heard the girls say that they were going to take them to the circus they stopped doing tricks except one. The one who was still doing the tricks wasn't a kitten, actually it was A SEAL - and she wanted to go to Circus.

The girls took the animals to the circus. The seal was the star of the shows and the whole circus. The kittens were the worst in the whole circus and always lost in each of the shows. This made kittens MORE ANGRY and they made a MYSTERIOUS TORNADO with their powers. Tornado got everything in the world even Plessy and Lessy!!


Mysterious Tornado put everyone and everything of the world to a new planet called SONG SNOW. The planet was called Song Snow because the snow could sing a song on that planet.

"I will sing you a song,
ding dong ding dong
I love singing,
Sing Song Sing Song,
Bum bum baa - Bum bum baa,
Bum bum baa - Bum bum baaaaaaa..."
and that is the song the snow sings in the winter.

The people did not like the song because heard it so many times and got bored. So the people wanted to get out of Song Snow. The way to get out of Song Snow is difficult! You need to get THE SAPPHIRE GEM. It is the most powerful gem ever. The Sapphire Gem can be found in The Cave of Lava. To get to The Cave of Lava - you need to follow The Sapphire Map otherwise you'll get to The Cave of Thorns. It is the cave which has thorns.
No body wanted to get the Sapphire Gem except a tribe named Fillameanee.

The Fillameanee tribe was very brave and they went on their mission. Plessy and Lessy also wanted to get out of Song Snow and joined Fillameanee tribe to find The Sapphire Gem.
They got the Sapphire Gem, but didn't know how to make the magic come to life! They got the Sapphire Gem to the village they lived in and went to the library to find out how to make the magic work. They didn't find any book about the magical gem. Some bad people knew the magical words to make The Sapphire Gem do it's magic.

Two brave people from Fillameanee tribe - Camey and Clatey decided to go to the bad people. They pretended to be bad guys and went in their costumes being pretenders. They made bad guys tell those magical words. They told it so loud that all of Song Snow could hear it! All of them wanted to make Sapphire Gem magic work and entire Fillameanee Tribe said "those magical words". BUT after that they found themselves in Magical Jail!!!
In that magical jail, they were few other people who were jailed before them. They told Fillameanee tribe that Sapphire Gem was a TRICK from the Bad Guys and it couldn't help them get out of Song Snow. The real way to get ouf of Song Snow is to get the "Fibber Animal".

Nobody knows what Fibber Animal is. Camey and Clatey escaped from the magical jail and ran to library to find about Fibber Animal.
The book of Fibber Animals said this animal could be a peacock, lion or bird - and even the book doesn't have the answer. In the book it says the animal can be VERY scary. But the author wrote riddle questions to the people reading the book:
Riddle One: It is cute.
Riddle Two: It has lot of hair.
Riddle Three: It lives in the jungle.
Riddle Four: It is orange and yellow.
Riddle Five: It can eat you.
Riddle Six: The dad and mom are really big.
Riddle Seven: It can also live in zoo.
Riddle Eight: It is really small.

People though a lot about riddle but they couldn't solve. They searched it for years. After three years, the people gave up. Plessy and Lessy then told them that it is their dream to get the Fibber Animal. People listened to the girls and they kept searching all around the Song Snow. After one year they saw the Fibber Animal's cage. The Fibber Animal was not in it's cage. They looked around for the clues and the only clue they found was the cage was VERY BIG than usual. It was REALLY REALLY BIG. That means the animal was BIG BIG BIG, Really BIG! What is the biggest animal? People guessed lion, jaguar, tiger or elephant or their cubs. With BIG cage people thought animal was Big. After one hour they found the riddle page. It was on the cage and it was also on the Fibber Anmial book of library. They still didn't believe that animal could be small. They looked so hard that their eyes hurted alot. Then they found an animal!! On it's collar it's name was THE FIBBER ANIMAL!!! Then everyone froze, they were surprised! They were always thinking that animal was BIG but the book was right and they were wrong - it was VERY SMALL!
Fillameanee Tribe with Plessy and Lessy used the powers of the Fibber Animal to get everyone back to Earth.


Author: Hafsa Nameerah, Student at Glenmoor Elementary School. She studied her First Grade in Highlands Elementary School, Edina, MN and Glenmoor Elementary School, Fremont, CA.
Fictional story written by her in "2050" about.
Helper: Dad for scratching his head for 2 hours to understand Hafsa's theory and logics behind the story and get that typed, scanned and posted.
Proof Read: Mom
Motivator: Khaja Uncle who said she's a good author and he's going to print her stories.

Below is the unadulterated scan of story in Hafsa's writing and drawing.
The Mysterious Tornado


  1. Hafsa, what a great writer you are. MASHAALLAH.
    Great job! very creative and I felt I was lost too along with Pleasy and Lessy and in the journey with them. Very good narration.
    Overall a nice amazing story. Bum bum banana song was my favorite. Please have your dad and you record this song in your voices and send it or post it.

  2. MashaAllah Hafsa...Loved your story. I just got lost in it��
    Really good narration at such tender age. Looking forward to more of these amazing stories.

  3. Masha Allah very well done.Keep it up and continue.Congrats Rizwan you rightly spot the hidden talent.Keep encouraging her.My best wishes to her in future endevours.

  4. A Child's creativity has no bounds :) jazaakum Allahu Khairan for sharing her creativity with us

  5. The story was very engaging and MashaAllah she came up witg interesting twists n turns of the events to take the story forward. She can definitely do sequel and I am waiting for it 👍

  6. Next JK Rowling in making, loved the story. Would have loved Hafsa's recital of the story with her theatrics as special effects 😀

    1. We demand for Hafsa's recital! Please make it happen Aziz bhai.

  7. Mashallah darling you small mind is stuffed with so much bursting to the seams...i too got lost in the fairy tale so well told...wishing you can develop on this Allah gift to you Hafsa...luv u
